Can You Quit It? Yes, You Can!

But Let’s Talk First..

Happy New Year Folks! ✨

I hope you had a joyful and restorative festive break.

Over the past few weeks, my conversations have centred around—yes, you guessed it—quitting. Whether it’s a job, career, relationship, alcohol, shopping… you get the drift.

I’d say 90% of work-related chats have been negative, which aligns with Gallup’s 2024 State of the Global Workplace report revealed that only 10% of UK employees are engaged at work (compared to 33% in the US). That sounds about right, doesn’t it? There are many reasons for this discontent, but the pearls of wisdom I’ve been sharing focus on you, rather than trying to correct every ill in each organisation—or the state of the nation.

This recent time away from our usual work pace has given many of us an opportunity to think and assess our situations with fresh eyes. Stepping off the hamster wheel, even briefly, can offer deeper clarity.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help identify the root of your frustration:

  1. What specifically is causing my dissatisfaction?
    (Is it the work environment, lack of growth opportunities, unfulfilling tasks, poor leadership, or something else? 🤔)

  2. Have I clearly articulated my concerns or needs to my employer or manager?
    (Could a constructive conversation lead to positive changes or better alignment?)

  3. What aspects of my job bring me joy, fulfilment, or a sense of achievement?
    (Are there any parts worth holding onto, and how can I expand on them? ✨)

  4. What would an ideal work situation look like for me?
    (Am I looking for better work-life balance, more creativity, financial security, or alignment with my values?)

  5. What steps can I take right now to improve my current situation before making a drastic decision?
    (Can I seek mentorship, professional development, or a reassignment to another project/department?)

Identifying the real source of your dissatisfaction will help you decide on the right course of action.

If you’d like to explore this further, we offer a workshop called Being the CEO of Your Own Career, which equips employees with the skills to proactively manage their professional journey. We’ve successfully run this programme with AMEX Consulting, and I’ll be delivering a session with Nasdaq this week.

Story Time…

I found an old notebook while I was clearing out over Christmas, and in it was the Pro’s/Con’s list I wrote in December 2014. That same year, I got my first coach, who really helped me find clarity. Although I was doing extremely well—taking on more responsibility, enjoying great perks, and acting as a role model—there was a niggle: I felt underappreciated and stuck, with no real growth opportunities on the horizon.

At that time, I had a six-month notice period (US friends, I know—this sounds bonkers! 🤯). I’d started interviewing elsewhere, but let’s be real: I wasn’t so special that an employer would be willing to wait six months for me to start as a Finance Director.

So, in January 2015, I made the decision to resign with no job offer in hand—just a very strong belief in myself, full knowledge of my worth, and a keen understanding of the market. Yes, I was scared, but I’d prayed on it and knew I wasn’t acting from ego, but from a place of trust. My family thought I’d lost the plot entirely!

Still, I had six months, I had savings, and I had a back-up plan. That breathing space meant I didn’t get bogged down by office politics and could properly evaluate new roles, seeking a really strong alignment with my next career move. I ended up being offered the role of Commercial Finance Director at Royal Mail, which elevated me on every level. Leaving a beloved brand for one rebuilding its reputation was exciting—because if you know me, you know I love a challenge.

It all started with my coach asking two questions:

1. What is the worst that could happen if you resigned with no job to go to?

2. What is the best thing that could happen?

I had a plan for both—but I firmly put my energy into the second option. The result was the biggest promotion and largest pay increase of my career.

For those 67–90% of you who feel disengaged at work

I leave you with these two questions this week. Take some time to reflect.

Next week, we’ll chat about excuses—we all have them. I’ll share some real talk that just might help you get over them (and yourself). It’s going to be a bit spicy! 🌶️

It’s National Mentoring Month

Keep an eye on my LinkedIn for lots of Mentoring content this month. If you need support, please reach out.

Oh, and did you know that Brené Brown interviewed me on the topic of Reverse Mentoring? 🎉

With Peace, Love and Determination

Parting Question: What are you holding onto right now that’s preventing you from moving forward—and what’s the real cost of clinging to it?

You are not a donkey, you have a choice about the load that you bear.

🎯 Start 2025 With Purpose: Pause & Pivot at The Power Station

Next week Sunday, 12th January, join me and the incredible Katie Mantwa George for our inaugural Pause & Pivot session at the iconic Battersea Power Station. Together, we’ll guide you through a transformational morning of Gong Bath Meditation and guided steps on how to pivot successfully, all in the serene setting of the Private Members’ Club.

A big Thank You to our sponsors so far—we have some amazing treats for your Nourishment Gift Bag!

A gift for you:

  • Shhhhhh - Elevate with Patrice subscribers have a 50% discount code - available until 7th January or whilst tickets last (Elevate50)